[Free Webinar] Enhancing AML Investigations with OSINT

In the age of cryptocurrencies and digital finance streams, money laundering represents a continual global problem, with reliable transparency proving extremely difficult to attain. In such a climate, OSINT is coming to the fore as a go-to discipline for exposing laundering activities—and the actors behind them—that have slipped beneath the radar.

Join us on April 25, at 1pm UTC, for the webinar Enhancing AML Investigations with OSINT. We’ll be looking at some essential OSINT sources, methods, and tools for tracking connections between suspects, elaborating data, and getting to the bottom of a range of money-laundering cases. 

Through first-hand, practical demonstrations, guests will discover how applying OSINT in conjunction with AML regulations can produce effective investigations and thorough-going compliance and due diligence processes. The tools and techniques discussed will be contextually grounded by real-world examples and authentic cases.


Ivan Kravtsov, Senior OSINT Analyst at Social Links

Veronika Wildenberg, OSINT Expert at Social Links



  • Common obstacles encountered during AML (Anti-Money Laundering) investigations, and ways to make connections between extracted information.
  • The importance of OSINT in AML investigations.

Automation of the Investigation Process

  • Essential OSINT sources, tools, and extraction methods (transforms).
  • The most effective approaches and techniques for gathering and analyzing open data.

Practical Use Cases

  • Real-world examples illustrating how OSINT processes can greatly enhance AML investigations.
  • Establishing links between fraud suspects and elaborating relevant information around the subjects.

Q&A Session