SL PRO for IBM i2 Biweekly Update #5

It’s been two weeks since our last set of updates for SL PRO on IBM i2, meaning we’re now back with our latest set of additions including new queries for LinkedIn, Facebook, and VK. So, without further ado, let’s take a closer look at these new features.

[LinkedIn] Get Replies

This new search method enables you to unpack and view all replies left to a specific comment on LinkedIn. Furthermore, the query groups these comments in accordance with their authors so you can easily identify who wrote what.

[LinkedIn] Get Posts Liked

A helpful addition to the social media search arsenal, this simple yet effective new query allows you to view all the posts that a given person has liked on LinkedIn and gain quick insights into the subject’s interests, tastes, and readership patterns.

[LinkedIn] Get Past Employees

To be run from organizations, this new search method enables you to see everyone who has listed the company in question as their past employer. This can be a productive query when trying to establish connections through work histories.

[Facebook] Get Details (video/place/event)

Applicable to a given Facebook video, location, or event, this search method allows you to quickly extract all available information connected to the entity in question.

[VK] Get Followers / [VK] Get Followees

These two methods allow you to view both the subject’s followers, as well as who the subject is following. Taken together, they essentially provide you with a complete list of VK connections including both active and passive types.

That rounds off our fifth SL PRO for i2 update and we hope these latest additions will be of real use in your work, giving you new angles from which to make connections and develop your investigations. If you would like to be kept updated about the development of our products, subscribe to our blog to make sure you don’t miss further updates and other relevant news and information from the world of OSINT.

If you don’t already have SL PRO for IBM i2 and would like to find out more about the solution, don’t hesitate to contact us via contact form below.