Discover the Social Links OSINT Certification Program (OCP)

While, at Social Links, we put a huge emphasis on making our product functionalities super user-friendly, we also understand that mastering the tools and techniques of a discipline such as OSINT is not always straightforward. In fact, it makes total sense to get first-hand training and learn things in a systematic way—so we’re introducing our OSINT Certification Program (OCP).
This is a series of courses aimed at familiarising users with the specifics of our products’ numerous features, and how they can be leveraged to run next-level investigations. This is a great way to get the OSINT training you need, as well as hands-on experience with our most powerful solutions.
OCP Level 1 consists of 5 modules: Social Media, Messengers, Niche Platforms (Duolingo, OnlyFans, Steam, TripAdvisor, etc.), Advanced Features, and Corporate Sources. For each module, you’ll need to watch the dedicated video and read the materials, after which you’ll then have a test to take.
Course participants will also receive a materials pack containing PDFs giving instructions on the platforms, including the entities, transforms, features, and interfaces. Once all the tests have been completed, you’ll be awarded a certificate that’s valid for three years—and, of course, you’ll have gained a lot of valuable knowledge and experience!
This is flexible and really just depends on how much time you can devote to it. However, it should be doable in two weeks, if you spend an hour a day on it excluding weekends. Alternatively—and this may be better for more experienced users—one or two weekends may even suffice.
The course is suitable to anyone interested in boosting their OSINT work with Social Links products, but we especially recommend it for people who are new to our solutions, returning customers who want to see how we’ve evolved, and analysts who aren’t familiar with using graphs. And for anyone who wants to be Social Links certified!
Current users of Social Links products can take the course relating to the solution they already have, while new users will receive an SL Crimewall license for the duration of the course. There’s no limit on the number of courses that can be issued to a given individual or company.
If you’d like to learn more about the OCP or think this course will be helpful to you, your team or organization, let us know. Simply contact us at and we’ll get straight back you regarding any questions you may have!