Human Trafficking: How OSINT Tools Can Fight Its Many Forms

Hi from us all at Social Links!
Human trafficking is a global problem, and there is still a huge amount to be done in countering the issue in its various forms. In our upcoming webinar, Social Links are joining forces with Anti-Human Trafficking Intelligence Initiative (ATII) to discuss this problem and some practical ways to combat it.
We invite you to the event 'Human Trafficking: How OSINT Tools Can Fight Its Many Forms,' which will be held on April 12, at 5 pm UTC.
In the 21st century, we’d like to believe that issues such as human trafficking are a thing of the past, or at least in decline. Sadly, this is simply not the case. According to Statista, figures are actually on the rise. There is still a lot to be done in countering this global concern.
We feel that this webinar is not only important from an ethical perspective, but also pragmatic from a technical and point of view. It will help to raise awareness on the issue and to demonstrate practical ways in which the intelligence community can effectively counteract human trafficking activities.
Part 1. Larry Cameron, Chief Information Security Officer of ATII, will present the background to the current global situation on human trafficking including recent cases and the techniques used by perpetrators. This section will also cover the ATII’s platform for assisting digital cases – Project Hades.
Part 2. Ivan Kravtsov, Social Links product manager and OSINT specialist, will present the uses of the company’s flagship solution SL PRO in conducting effective investigations using a range of OSINT and SOCMINT techniques to trace criminal actors and their networks, as well as missing persons.
Anti-Human Trafficking Intelligence Initiative combats global human trafficking by promoting corporate social responsibility through increasing awareness, facilitating intelligence integration and technology advancement, and encouraging strategic data collaboration.
We feel that this webinar is not only important from an ethical perspective, but also practical and engaging from a technical and practical standpoint. Follow the link below to register for the event and we look forward to seeing you there!
This is going to be a really great event so don’t miss out!