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OSINT, Threat Models, and Executive Protection

In a world of ceaseless—and at times ruthless—competition, individuals who wield influence in either political or commercial spheres are continually finding themselves in the firing line. When online smear campaigns, internal intrigues, or even plots of elimination are not mere abstractions, being a figure of eminence can be...

OSINT: A Remedy for the Ills of Conspiracy Groups

There’s perhaps a tendency to downplay the negative impact of conspiracy theorists. We often look upon proponents of these wild ideas as credulous discontents, whose silly—or half-crazed—beliefs are ridiculous, but not really a cause for serious concern. And in any case—some might add—are we in...

OSINT Case: Countering Global Money Laundering

It’s usually better to learn something through practice than in theory. And this is why we decided to devote our next webinar to one specific case, where we demonstrate how OSINT tools were crucial to the success of an investigation into international money laundering. Join us on Friday, 22...

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