Social Links Product Updates, Q2 2023

Welcome to another update on what we’ve been doing to improve SL Professional. With every passing week, we endeavor to make our flagship product as capable and user-friendly as possible. And with the end of Q2 approaching, it’s time for us to share what’s new, what’s tweaked, and what’s changed.
With TikTok exploding, we’ve brought some great new searches to this important platform. Also, we’ve introduced new capabilities to the Telegram Pack and added an entirely new source. Let’s jump in!
The colossal rise of TikTok has made the video sharing platform an essential open source, so we’ve been busy enabling SL Professional to make the most of it. We’ve introduced a number of new features:
This transform now has greater scope. If run from a duet or stitch, [TikTok] Get Details will return the original video, among other details. For the uninitiated, a duet is a video that plays alongside another ‘original’ one and is often used for real-time commentary or collaboration. Stitches, however, are videos attached to the end of another and are used to continue a discussion or elaborate on a theme.
While this transform is pretty straightforward, it’s incredibly useful. Run from a video, this will return not just the comments related to the content but also all the replies. Plus all this textual data will appear in a neatly organized and user-friendly way.
We’re happy to bring these many-requested transforms to the functionality, as we’re sure it’ll be popular and frequently applied. Run from a profile entity they enable users to view all other accounts that are connected to the subject. Super useful. Let us know what you think!
Our Telegram Pack is a paid extension to the SL Professional functionality. While the suite of Telegram transforms in the solution’s default functionality is very capable, this extension is something totally unique that opens a whole new world of possibilities for any investigation concerning the messenger.
We’ve brought some exciting new features to this specialist add-on. The transforms we’ve introduced facilitate research on the groups that a subject is a member of and the messages they have left within them. But please be aware that the Telegram Pack is only available for customers in government employ.
Introducing an entirely new source. USRLE/USRIE is the Russian Federal Tax Agency—in other words, the Russian business registry. We have created two transforms for this resource, which users can employ to investigate people or companies affiliated with Russia.
Search can be run from three entities—a person, a company, a phrase. The latter enables users to search by INN or OGRN/OGRNIP.
N.B. In Russia, INN is a Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN), OGRN/OGRNIP is a State Registration Number, and KPP is a tax registration event code. Also, bear in mind that for searches to work, the name or company must be entered in Cyrillic.
And that rounds off our product updates for the second quarter of 2023. New features are always in the works, so there’s much more where all this came from. Follow our blog so you don’t miss a beat!