Top 5 OSINT Reads of 2024

Happy New Year Everyone!
We have a lot of exciting material about OSINT in 2025 on its way, but want to kick things off this year with a quick look back over some highlights of 2024. So we’ve put together a short round up of the pieces that were most popular with our readership in 2024. And here it is…
This two-part article is all about how to hone your OSINT skills in entertaining ways. From mobile games to interactive sites and quizzes, we give our recommendations of recreational challenges you can try right now that will help you get to grips with a number of OSINT sub-disciplines. A light read that can bring real value to your work.
As an industry, discipline, and landscape, the OSINT sphere is continually evolving, as it embraces new technologies, techniques, and areas of application with each passing year. So our annual definition and status update of our specialism is always of significant interest. An easy way to stay abreast of developments across the OSINT sphere.
The OSINT industry boom has flooded the market with a healthy influx of solutions, each with their target applications, levels of complexity, and so on. If you’re in the market for an OSINT tool, this is a tricky time to be choosing—so we put together an easy-reference guide of our top recommendations, with clarification of the specifics of each so you can make an informed choice.
A hit article on the subject of how to unmask the threat actors that lurk behind sock puppet profiles. The Social Links Center of excellence walks the reader through a case study in which the real identity of a scammer is traced from a fake account, leading to the elaboration of a digital footprint around the suspect.
APIs can be totally transformative for a given intelligence platform or investigation, offering the seamless integration of key functions that can make processes highly effective and efficient. This article not only looks at what makes APIs so useful, it also provides a list of our top recommendations complete with accessible feature breakdowns for each. A must-read for anyone looking to upgrade their in-house system!
2025 looks set to be a highly active year for both Social Links and the OSINT sphere at large. To make sure you stay up to date with all developments, why not subscribe to our blog and get updates whenever we publish new material?