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OSINT Tips: Investigating Closed Profiles

Social media investigations involve checking many accounts to extract valuable evidence. Unsurprisingly, not every profile is accessible due to privacy reasons. As OSINT deals with publicly accessible data, many would assume that the inquiry stops there. However, everything visible on a closed account is still in the domain of open...

Top OSINT Films and Series: Part 2

Remember our recent selection of OSINT films (in case you missed it, here it is)? Now it's time for the second part, where we’ll focus on fiction. Given that entertainment media continues to provide value for professionals working in the sphere, narrative developments can inspire viewers to...

Top Social Media Intelligence (SOCMINT) Tools in 2023

Social media is an essential aspect of modern life for people and businesses alike. So it's no surprise that these platforms are crucial in criminal investigations due to the wealth of public data they offer. However, manually doing all the necessary research is a complex and time-consuming strategy....

Top OSINT Films and Series: Part 1

Learning about OSINT and best practices isn’t only about reading and searching. Movies and series can also be great learning tools. Of course, that’s when many realize that “OSINT” doesn’t return many titles on IMDb (we checked). So the real question becomes how to find things to...

OSINT and Fraud Prevention: from Data to Defense

Since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, the world has undergone significant transformations. Remote work has become the new normal, online shopping has skyrocketed in popularity, and fraudulent activities have taken on a new level of sophistication. AI-generated fraud, in particular, is posing the most significant threat. So much so...

OSINT Summer Reads to Stay Up to Speed

The holiday season is a perfect time for some light reading. So we’ve put together a recap of some of our top OSINT articles from the last quarter to give you a chance to catch up with industry developments in an effortless way. From our solution recommendations and OSINT...

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