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Social Links at DIC: A Unique OSINT Workshop and Conference

Join Social Links at a unique combined event—the Digital Investigations Conference (DIC) plus Two-Day OSINT Training Program. Taking place in Zurich between February 26 and 29, the event is an immersive four-day OSINT experience that’ll blow your mind and revolutionize your investigations.     REGISTER NOW Two-Day Pre-Conference OSINT Workshop...

Social Links at ISS MEA, 2024

The world-renowned ISS conference is coming to the Middle East and North Africa, and Social Links is super excited to be involved! If you’re in the region, we’d love to meet you in person in Dubai, February 13–15. What We’ll Be Discussing We’ve got two...

[Free Webinar] Essential OSINT Techniques for LEA Work

As more and more features of human activity get drawn into the online realm, law enforcement agencies are embracing open data analysis as an essential part of modern police work. And with so much data to work through and make sense of, OSINT tools are not just useful, they’re...

Center of Excellence Column: SL Crimewall Intermediate Tips and Tricks

This week, in our Center of Excellence Column, we continue last week’s SL Crimewall beginner article with some more advanced tips and tricks. From merging duplicate information to viewing all the geolocation information on an actual map to starting a search with multiple objects, we showcase some essential time-saving...

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