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Center of Excellence Column: DNA Analysis in OSINT

This week in the Social Links Center of Excellence Column, we’re diving into using DNA as a resource for open-source intelligence. This time, we will share ways and techniques to use biological identifiers when revealing suspects and building a case. So, let’s move to the investigation! GEDmatch: A...

Center of Excellence Column: The Role of the Center of Excellence

In our newest weekly article segment, fully prepared by the Social Links Center of Excellence, we explore our experts' roles in various fields, from investigations to technical training. So, as an introduction, we’re focusing on what the team does and what their plans are for the future. Let’...

Social Links Product Updates, Q3 2023

Another quarter has gone, so it’s time for us to update you on all that’s been added, improved, and fine-tuned with SL Professional over the preceding few months. And the last quarter was a big one, with many exciting new capabilities coming to the solution. We’ve added...

[Free Webinar] Combating White-Collar Crime with OSINT

In the minefield of modern business, inadequate KYC and due diligence risk both financial and reputational damage on a disastrous scale. By dramatically strengthening these procedures, OSINT is becoming indispensable to the sphere, both in investigations and the screening of those we invite into our professional environments. Join us on...

OSINT Landscape 2023 by Social Links

Decisions, decisions. The global OSINT market is growing at an extraordinary pace, with new technologies continually emerging and ever more products appearing. While this is good news for the industry, it can make choosing the best-suited solution a real challenge. So, we’ve created a super-accessible guide to help everyone...

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